Solon's Reform And the next thing he wanted to do was to make sure that this never happen again,and so it was forbidden to sell yourself into slavery,or to sell your children into slavery.The child was yours, but not your property But Solon also wanted to make sure that the economy of Athens prospered,and so he fostered commerce and trade,he made a law and the law was written down,he made a law that every parent had to teach his son a trade,and if your father had not taught you trade,you did not have to take care of him in his old age.Solon’s Reform 4 And the next thing he wanted to do was to make sure that this never happen again, and so it was forbidden to sell yourself into slavery, or to sell your children into slavery. The child was yours, but not your property. 4 But Solon also wanted to make sure that the economy of Athens prospered, and so he fostered commerce and trade, he made a law and the law was written down, he made a law that every parent had to teach his son a trade, and if your father had not taught you trade, you did not have to take care of him in his old age
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