10.8 Kinetics of reactions in solution (3)Kinetics treatment kk [A]B] k, tk d out Discussion: d out k kd out << k 六、kkm[AIB]=kK[A[B r=knabl k=kd, in dout If reaction is much slow than diffusion If diffusion is much slow than reaction activation control or kinetics control diffusion control, , [A][B] r d in d out r k k r k k = + Discussion: d out r , k k , , [A][B] [A][B] r d in r d d out k k r k K k = = If reaction is much slow than diffusion, activation control or kinetics control d out r , k k  , [A][B] d in r k = d in, k k = If diffusion is much slow than reaction, diffusion control (3) Kinetics treatment 10.8 Kinetics of reactions in solution
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