Surg Endose metaanalysis [13].Not surprisingly. primary tumor with PET.In addition,PET may not detect SB. Frick TJ.Gopal DV.Said A metastasis of lymph nodes due to its limite In a metaanalysis of the EUS,PET,and CT results for slage were and 0.50 for Cl analyed concomitantly 22.However,the overall diag nostic accuracy for Nsaging did not differsigficntly and sen eaimcnNg these tests for N staging,EUS-guided fine-needle aspira staging me The ed41-30g-315 tumor to obtain a specimen.This carries the potential risk of cancer cells spreading into lymph nodes that may not be 46 malignan atient ewhat nar pectrum of diseas only surgically resectable patients were enrolled in this 12. disease stages were excl lymph nodes shows good diagnostic cy of at the 4 EUS is as good as that of PETorCT.Therefore,EUS cou 15. B Haw Sahai AV.Van Velse A.Hoffr 16 1993H Rice TW. References Lew RJ.Faigel DO.Smith DB.Ke ictures is safe and effective.Am 1.CMayer RJ()phageal er. 2.1 e VJ.Booya F.Fle Clain J店 RH,F n BJ (20 005) ided dle pa MR,Ibdah JA (2008 in the is of distal a teview.Dis Dis sei 53:2405-2414 Springer 第25页 第17页 metaanalysis [13]. Not surprisingly, lymph nodes adjacent to the primary tumor are difficult to differentiate from the primary tumor with PET. In addition, PET may not detect microscopic metastasis of lymph nodes due to its limited resolution effects. In a metaanalysis of the EUS, PET, and CT results for esophageal cancer staging, the pooled sensitivities for N stage were 0.80 for EUS, 0.57 for PET, and 0.50 for CT, although these three methods were not performed and analyzed concomitantly [22]. However, the overall diag￾nostic accuracy for N staging did not differ significantly and was in line with our results. Regarding the relatively low accuracy and sensitivity of these tests for N staging, EUS-guided fine-needle aspira￾tion (EUS-FNA) may be considered for preoperative staging method. The use of EUS-FNA increases both sensitivity and accuracy for the detection of nonperitu￾moral lymph node metastases [23]. However, lymph nodes at the level of the primary tumor often are not accessible to EUS-FNA because the needle would have to traverse the tumor to obtain a specimen. This carries the potential risk of cancer cells spreading into lymph nodes that may not be malignant. Our data are limited by the inclusion of patients with a somewhat narrowed clinical spectrum of disease because only surgically resectable patients were enrolled in this study. Patients with advanced disease stages were exclu￾ded, which may be related to underestimation of both sensitivity and accuracy in the detection of metastasis to lymph nodes. In conclusion, our study shows good diagnostic accu￾racy for EUS T staging of esophageal cancer, and our findings show that the diagnostic accuracy of N staging by EUS is as good as that of PET or CT. Therefore, EUS could be useful for determining a therapeutic strategy for esophageal cancer, especially for resectable diseases. Disclosures Jeongmin Choi, Sang Gyun Kim, Joo Sung Kim, Hyun Chae Jung, and In Sung Song have no conflicts of interest or financial ties to diclose. References 1. Enzinger PC, Mayer RJ (2003) Esophageal cancer. N Engl J Med 349:2241–2252 2. Lowe VJ, Booya F, Fletcher JG, Nathan M, Jensen E, Mullan B, Rohren E, Wiersema MJ, Vazquez-Sequeiros E, Murray JA, Allen MS, Levy MJ, Clain JE (2005) Comparison of positron emission tomography, computed tomography, and endoscopic ultrasound in the initial staging of patients with esophageal cancer. 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Dig Dis Sci 53:2405–2414 Surg Endosc 123 ㄀义 第 17 页
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