ⅣV. mportant Words community n社会,社区,团体,界 e.g. The Polish community in Britain has succeeded in keeping its language and way of life alive for 30 years. 英国的波兰社区三十年来成功地维持了其 语言与生活方式。 Tv扩展,膨胀 e.g. Iron expands when it is heated 铁遇热膨胀。IV. Important Words community n. 社会,社区,团体,界 e.g. The Polish community in Britain has succeeded in keeping its language and way of life alive for 30 years. 英国的波兰社区三十年来成功地维持了其 语言与生活方式。 expand v. 扩展,膨胀 e.g. Iron expands when it is heated. 铁遇热膨胀
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