What are the purposes of tillage? 土壤耕作的目的 ·调节耕层三相比,创造深厚的耕层和适宜的苗床To adjust the water-air-solid proportion in topsoil; Creating deep tilth and suitable seed bed 除灭杂草 To kill weeds 翻转耕层,翻埋残茬和肥料 To bury crop stubbles and fertilizers 改变土壤耕层构造和地面状况,调节土壤水 肥、气、热因素,翻埋根茬和肥料,清除田间杂草, 控制土传病害,调节土壤微生物区系,为作物播种、 出苗和生长发育提供适宜的土壤环境。What are the purposes of tillage? 土壤耕作的目的 • 调节耕层三相比,创造深厚的耕层和适宜的苗床 To adjust the water-air-solid proportion in topsoil;Creating deep tilth and suitable seed bed. • 除灭杂草 To kill weeds. • 翻转耕层,翻埋残茬和肥料 To bury crop stubbles and fertilizers. 改变土壤耕层构造和地面状况,调节土壤水、 肥、气、热因素,翻埋 根茬和肥料,清除田间杂草, 控制土传病害,调节土壤微生物区系,为作物播种、 出苗和生长发育提供适宜的土壤环境
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