very well but you still say hi and still come around and say how are you doing even if it's a very superficial relationship. Jean:有趣的是,al觉得美国人更为open更开放一些,不过这有的时候是一种表面的开 放。 Finn:Yes-she uses the word superficial Jean:表面的-原来她觉得美国人在表面上是更友好一些。 Finn:This is Ask About Britain and today we're talking about differences between the American and the British personality.Next,we're going to hear from Jay who is an American who's lived in Britain for many years. Jean:他认为美国人比英国人更开朗outgoing,而且他也对他的这个说法做了一个解释, what does he think Finn? Finn:Now this is interesting-he thinks that British people are less outgoing because they live on a small island 3 Insert I think that Americans are probably more outgoing than Britons,but you have to remember Britain is of course a fairly small island and it's cut off from the rest of Europe,and I think that anything resembling a British culture,if we can call it that,is based in part around this island mentality. Finn:This is an interesting idea-he says Britain is cut off from the rest of Europe. Jean:It's cut off和欧洲其它地方隔绝。 Finn:And therefore this affects people's mentality -he says British people have an island mentality. Jean:An island mentality岛▣意识。Do you have an island mentality Finn'? Finn:Ooh,I don't know how to answer that!I hope not,but then I did grow up on a small island Jean. Jean:在我们今天的节目当中我们一起来探讨了一下美国人和英国人在性格上的不同-希 望大家也从中得到了有趣有益的一些学习。如果大家就英国的文化和生活有任何问题的话, 你可以给我们发邮件过来。我们的邮箱就是chinaelt@bbc.co.uk Finn:So,until next time,bye bye! Jean:Bye! Words and expressions indifferent冷漠的reserved谨慎的 to go out of your way去竭尽努力guarded保守谨慎的 superficial表面的outgoing开朗的 cut off隔绝island mentality岛国意识 What's your personality type Presenter:"Some people are always thinking of new ways of doing things.How true is that for you?" Man 1:"Fairly true.Yeah,I like to think of new ways of doing things.I like to use open source software on my computer.I don't like to stick to the sort of things which automatically come on a computer."very well but you still say hi and still come around and say how are you doing, even if it’s a very superficial relationship. Jean: 有趣的是,Val 觉得美国人更为 open 更开放一些,不过这有的时候是一种表面的开 放。 Finn: Yes – she uses the word superficial. Jean: 表面的 – 原来她觉得美国人在表面上是更友好一些。 Finn: This is Ask About Britain and today we're talking about differences between the American and the British personality. Next, we're going to hear from Jay who is an American who's lived in Britain for many years. Jean: 他认为美国人比英国人更开朗 outgoing,而且他也对他的这个说法做了一个解释, what does he think Finn? Finn: Now this is interesting – he thinks that British people are less outgoing because they live on a small island. 3 Insert I think that Americans are probably more outgoing than Britons, but you have to remember Britain is of course a fairly small island and it's cut off from the rest of Europe, and I think that anything resembling a British culture, if we can call it that, is based in part around this island mentality. Finn: This is an interesting idea – he says Britain is cut off from the rest of Europe. Jean: It's cut off 和欧洲其它地方隔绝。 Finn: And therefore this affects people's mentality – he says British people have an island mentality. Jean: An island mentality 岛国意识。Do you have an island mentality Finn? Finn: Ooh, I don't know how to answer that! I hope not, but then I did grow up on a small island Jean. Jean: 在我们今天的节目当中我们一起来探讨了一下美国人和英国人在性格上的不同 – 希 望大家也从中得到了有趣有益的一些学习。如果大家就英国的文化和生活有任何问题的话, 你可以给我们发邮件过来。我们的邮箱就是 chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. Finn: So, until next time, bye bye! Jean: Bye! Words and expressions indifferent 冷漠的 reserved 谨慎的 to go out of your way 去竭尽努力 guarded 保守谨慎的 superficial 表面的 outgoing 开朗的 cut off 隔绝 island mentality 岛国意识 What’s your personality type Presenter: “Some people are always thinking of new ways of doing things. How true is that for you?” Man 1: “Fairly true. Yeah, I like to think of new ways of doing things. I like to use open source software on my computer. I don’t like to stick to the sort of things which automatically come on a computer
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