III.1~5 ABCAB IV.1.queen 2.king 3.banker 4.general 5.guard 笔试部分 V.1~5 DABDC 6~10 DACDB VI.1~5 DBCAB 6~10 CBCDA VII.1~5 CDABC 6~10 BABCD 11~15 DBBAB VII.1.to take 2.Health and a long life 3.In today's world many people seem to be hungry for money. 4.世界上长寿的人中,百万富翁并不多。 5.Is Money Everything?/Money Doesn't Mean Everything/Love Is More Important than Money(符合题目要求即可。) IX.1.to be followed/being followed 2.stay 3.yourself 4.losing 5.Winning X.略(符合题目要求即可)Ⅲ. 1~5 ABCAB Ⅳ. 1. queen 2. king 3. banker 4. general 5. guard 笔试部分 Ⅴ. 1~5 DABDC 6~10 DACDB Ⅵ. 1~5 DBCAB 6~10 CBCDA Ⅶ. 1~5 CDABC 6~10 BABCD 11~15 DBBAB Ⅷ. 1. to take 2. Health and a long life. 3. In today’s world many people seem to be hungry for money. 4. 世界上长寿的人中,百万富翁并不多。 5. Is Money Everything?/Money Doesn’t Mean Everything/Love Is More Important than Money(符合题目要求即可。) Ⅸ. 1. to be followed/being followed 2. stay 3. yourself 4. losing 5. Winning Ⅹ. 略(符合题目要求即可)
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