Page ix Needs at occupational levels Needs at the individual level Defining the training priorities Conclusion 8.Performance Management and Human Resource Development Alan Cattell Introduction and learning objectives What is performance management? The effectiveness of performance management Performance appraisal %035坏切645G9 Conclusion 9.Making the Most of Consultancy:Perspectives on Partnership David Sawdon Introduction and learning objectives Purpose and meaning Perceptions and needs Process and power 90功42 Partnership 10.Fundamentals of Adult Learning Chris Wiltsher Introduction and learning objectives Learning The learning process Levels of competence Adults and adulthood Styles of adult learning Why,what,how and practice Conclusion 11.The Adult Learner:Theory into Practice Janet Parr Introduction and learning objectives Adult learning Motivation and learning Andragogy Humanist theories 朗朗够够0990Q妨妨00碗0192次 Barriers to learning Conclusion 12.Reflective Practice Chery/Hunt Introduction and learning objectivesPage ix Needs at occupational levels 128 Needs at the individual level 130 Defining the training priorities 133 Conclusion 135 8. Performance Management and Human Resource Development Alan Cattell 137 Introduction and learning objectives 137 What is performance management? 138 The effectiveness of performance management 143 Performance appraisal 153 Conclusion 163 9. Making the Most of Consultancy: Perspectives on Partnership David Sawdon 169 Introduction and learning objectives 169 Purpose and meaning 170 Perceptions and needs 172 Process and power 174 Partnership 178 Section Three: The Planning and Designing of Learning, Training and Development 10. Fundamentals of Adult Learning Chris Wiltsher 185 Introduction and learning objectives 185 Learning 186 The learning process 186 Levels of competence 190 Adults and adulthood 192 Styles of adult learning 195 Why, what, how and practice 200 Conclusion 202 11. The Adult Learner: Theory into Practice Janet Parr 205 Introduction and learning objectives 205 Adult learning 206 Motivation and learning 207 Andragogy 208 Humanist theories 209 Barriers to learning 215 Conclusion 219 12. Reflective Practice Cheryl Hunt 221 Introduction and learning objectives 221
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