FUNDAMENTAL MOTIVES AND CONFORMITY 285 Self-Reported affect and motivation for all motive prime Scenarios planned contrasts,all using the preimage ratings as covariates. Conformity and Self-Protection mity fo bo 030,m2=.029.A1s0c0 ntic arousal 160)=4.78.p= istent with predic nd es 194 00 alence of the group judgment. p <.001.indicates diference from control scenario Conformity and Mate Attraction y,regard. he effe the holconditions rCo ree of conformity in the 035.For was predicted prime oul produc PRIMED MOTIVE SELF-PROTECTION MATE-ATTRACTION +1.00 ■MEN 0.50 WOMEN 0.50 -1.00 1.50 -2.00 Positive Negative'Positive Negative GROUP EVALUATION ative to the control:negative values denote a decrease in conformity relative to the control,o rating by participants always constituted more conformity, regardless of whether group judgment was positive or negative. The means for the conformity measure in the control conditions were all above the midpoint of 5.0, indicating that there was some degree of conformity in the control conditions as would be expected. Analyses indicated that there were no significant differences in conformity in either of the two control conditions between men and women. As expected, the two control conditions also did not significantly differ from one another, and the control conditions were thus combined for the remainder of the analyses. To test the specific hypotheses of the study, we performed a series of planned contrasts, all using the preimage ratings as covariates. Conformity and Self-Protection It was predicted that a self-protective prime (compared with a control condition) would produce a significant increase in conformity for both sexes. As seen on the left side of Figure 1, a planned contrast comparing conformity in the control and the selfprotection conditions indicated that this was indeed the case, F(1, 160) 4.78, p .030, 2 .029. Also consistent with predictions, the effects of the self-protection prime did not differ for men and women, and the effects of the prime remained similar regardless of whether the group judgment was positive or negative ( ps .50). Thus, a state of threat produced an increase in conformity for both men and women, and this increase was unaffected by the valence of the group judgment. Conformity and Mate Attraction The effects of a mate-attraction prime (compared with a control) were predicted to be different for men and women. Consistent with this prediction, results indicated a significant two-way interaction with motive and participant sex, F(1, 177) 6.33, p .013, 2 .035. For men, it was predicted that a mating prime would produce less conformity, compared with the control, when group judgment was negative but not necessarily produce less conformity when group judgment was positive. Consistent with this prediction, results indicated a two-way interaction with motive and group Table 1 Mean Self-Reported Affect and Motivation for All Motive Prime Scenarios Affect/motivation item Control (n 16) Self-protection (n 15) Mate attraction (n 15) Threat M 2.00 5.20* 1.47 SD 0.89 1.74 0.92 Desire to protect yourself M 2.31 5.53* 2.07 SD 1.30 1.64 1.67 Romantic arousal M 1.63 1.53 5.00* SD 0.96 1.25 1.81 Desire to attract romantic partner M 1.94 1.20 5.33* SD 1.57 0.56 1.91 * p .001, indicates diference from control scenario. -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 +0.50 +1.00 SELF-PROTECTION MATE-ATTRACTION Positive Negative Positive Negative PRIMED MOTIVE MEN WOMEN Equal to Control GROUP EVALUATION EXTENT OF CONFORMITY Figure 1. Effects of self-protection or mate-attraction motives on conformity depending on whether group judgment was positive versus negative (Study 1, adjusted means). Positive values denote an increase in conformity relative to the control; negative values denote a decrease in conformity relative to the control, or nonconformity. FUNDAMENTAL MOTIVES AND CONFORMITY 285 This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.