Approximate Entity Extraction Approximate dictionary-based entity extraction finds all substrings from the document that approximately match the predefined entities ● For example: Dictionary of entities D ocuments Isaac newton Sigmund freund was an austrian psychiatrist who <Sigmund Freud founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology physicist phys Freud is best known for his theories of the astronomer unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of alchemist theologian repression and for creating the clinical practice of economist psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology sociologist Irou Th dialogue between a patient and a g sychoanalayst 1/28/2021 Taste@ ICDE2012 6/42 Approximate dictionary-based entity extraction finds all substrings from the document that approximately match the predefined entities.  For example: Approximate Entity Extraction 1/28/2021 Taste @ ICDE2012 Isaac Newton Sigmund Freud physicist astronomer alchemist theologian economist sociologist ... Sigmund Freund was an Austrian psychiatrest who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalayst. Dictionary of Entities Documents 6/42
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