17.The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth. A.much clearer B.more clearer C.clearest D.the clearest l8.Do you think Bill will make a good president?”“He is just」 John to lead" A.most qualified that B.as qualified as C.as equally qualifies D.the same qualified 19.Amelia Earhart woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean,was born in 1898 A.the first who was a B.she was the first woman C.the first D.was the first 20.On other days my bath is interrupted by phone calls. A.probably being B.likely to be C.likely being D.possibly to be 21.On enough logical reason,the fewer seeds, A.the plants the fewer B.the less plants C.the less plants grow D.the fewer plants 22.The sooner you do it, A.the better B.the fine C.the best D.the good 23. lovely eyes she has. A.How B What C.How quick D.Why 3 of all ofthe 99presidential candidates was Smith. A.The rich B.The mostly richly C.The richest D.The richer 25.John had the piano tuned today.""Was it 3 A.out of tune before badly B.out of tune badly before C.before badly out of tune D.badly out oftune before 26.Richard speaks French he speaks English. A.better than B.more than C.good than D.more better thar 27.He spent a year in the hospital, A.and emerged entirely well B.but he entirely well emerged C.and entirely emerged well D.and he emerged well entirely 28.Spending the money,he felt A.as though a man of wealthy B.like a wealthy man C.as though a wealthy man D.as if a wealthy man 29.I didn't make a mistake next time. A.like B.similar C.same D.near 30.Mary's dress is yours. A.the same that B.similar to C.same D.near 31.The Falls drops atotal of A.nearly halfa mile B.near halfa mile C.half mile D.of nearly a half mile 32.He looks at us sadly with his eyes as her grandmother's. A.so large B.good place in a size as large C.as large D.of large size 33.The industrial trend is in the direction of more machines and _people A.lesser B.less C.few D.fewer17. The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are _ than those taken from the Earth. A. much clearer B. more clearer C. clearest D. the clearest 18. “Do you think Bill will make a good president?” “He is just _ John to lead.” A. most qualified that B. as qualified as C. as equally qualifies D. the same qualified 19. Amelia Earhart, _woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean, was born in 1898. A. the first who was a B. she was the first woman C. the first D. was the first 20. On other days my bath is _ interrupted by phone calls. A. probably being B. likely to be C. likely being D. possibly to be 21. On enough logical reason, the fewer seeds, _. A. the plants the fewer B. the less plants C. the less plants grow D. the fewer plants 22. The sooner you do it, _. A. the better B. the fine C. the best D. the good 23. _ lovely eyes she has. A. How B. What C. How quick D. Why 24. _ of all of the 1990 presidential candidates was Smith. A. The rich B. The mostly richly C. The richest D. The richer 25. “John had the piano tuned today.” “Was it _?” A. out of tune before badly B. out of tune badly before C. before badly out of tune D. badly out of tune before 26. Richard speaks French _ he speaks English. A. better than B. more than C. good than D. more better than 27. He spent a year in the hospital, _. A. and emerged entirely well B. but he entirely well emerged C. and entirely emerged well D. and he emerged well entirely 28. Spending the money, he felt _. A. as though a man of wealthy B. like a wealthy man C. as though a wealthy man D. as if a wealthy man 29. I didn’t make a _ mistake next time. A. like B. similar C. same D. near 30. Mary’s dress is_ yours. A. the same that B. similar to C. same D. near 31. The Falls drops a total of _. A. nearly half a mile B. near half a mile C. half mile D. of nearly a half mile 32. He looks at us sadly with his eyes _ as her grandmother’s. A. so large B. good place in a size as large C. as large D. of large size 33. The industrial trend is in the direction of more machines and _ people. A. lesser B. less C. few D. fewer
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