The elgamal encryption scheme Encryption Letm∈ z be a message For k=((p, g, x, y): y=gx modp), and secret random number k E Z l, define: ek(m, k)=(s, t), where s=gmod P t= my modp Decryption For st∈Zn,, define:dk( Ks, t)=t(s -/mod 1212 The ElGamal encryption scheme • Encryption Let m  Zp * be a message. For K = {(p,g,x,y): y = g x modp }, and secret random number k  Zp-1 , define: eK (m,k) = (s,t), where – s = gk modp – t = m y k modp • Decryption For s,t  Zp * , define: dK (s,t) = t(s x ) -1mod p
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