information during an exam by remembering where it was written on the page of your notes or by focusing on the place where you learned it. Another way to draw on the resources of your memory is to recreate a memory chain that begins with some physical object and lead you to recall various experiences. 59. The passage is mainly about A. the role of exercise in acquiring a good memory B. the use of memory in learning writing D. the use of past experience in learning 60. The word"recount" in the first sentence of paragraph 2 probably mear C. think about D. tell per A. gets his memory exercised B. edits his experience in an orderly manner C. learns to speak before the public D. gets to know that has happened 62. When trying to recall your memory the author recommends, you start from A. the very beginning of the experience B. the very end of the experience C. some thing physical and concrete D. your own imagination Passage 4 Futurists have identified two changes that seem to be central to contemporary social life. First, the United States is being restructured from an industrial to an information society. Second, modern societies are increasingly shifting from a notional to a global economy. Futurists have applied a good many metaphors to these changes, including Daniel Bells postindustrial society,” Alvin toffler's“ the third wave” and John Naisbitt's“ megatrends to these metaphors is the notion that American society is shifting from the production o the production of services and from society based on the coordination of people and machines to a society organized around knowledge. These changes, it is contended, will afford a myriad of choices. The world will increasingly be one of many flavors, not just vanilla or chocolate. Many observers of contemporary American life believe that we are witnessing a historical change and the first impact of the shift from an energy economy to an information economy. For 300 years technology has been cast in a mechanical model, one based on the combustion processes that go on inside a star like the sun. The steam engine opened the mechanical age, and it reache its apex with the discovery of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, which replicated the energyinformation during an exam by remembering where it was written on the page of your notes or by focusing on the place where you learned it. Another way to draw on the resources of your memory is to recreate a memory chain that begins with some physical object and lead you to recall various experiences. 59. The passage is mainly about _____ . A.the role of exercise in acquiring a good memory B.the use of memory in learning writing C.the role of memory in college learning D.the use of past experience in learning 60. The word“recount”in the first sentence of paragraph 2 probably means _____ . A.remember B.relive C.think about D.tell 61. Through recounting and applying details,a person _____ . A.gets his memory exercised B.edits his experience in an orderly manner C.learns to speak before the public D.gets to know that has happened 62. When trying to recall your memory,the author recommends,you start from _____ . A.the very beginning of the experience B.the very end of the experience C.something physical and concrete D.your own imagination Passage 4 Futurists have identified two changes that seem to be central to contemporary social life.First,the United States is being restructured from an industrial to an information society.Second,modern societies are increasingly shifting from a notional to a global economy.Futurists have applied a good many metaphors to these changes,including Daniel Bell's “postindustrial society,” Alvin Toffler's “the third wave” and John Naisbitt's “megetrends”. Common to these metaphors is the notion that American society is shifting from the production of goods to the production of services and from society based on the coordination of people and machines to a society organized around knowledge.These changes,it is contended,will afford a myriad of choices.The world will increasingly be one of many flavors,not just vanilla or chocolate. Many observers of contemporary American life believe that we are witnessing a historical change and the first major impact of the shift from an energy economy to an information economy.For 300 years technology has been cast in a mechanical model,one based on the combustion processes that go on inside a star like the sun.The steam engine opened the mechanical age,and it reached its apex with the discovery of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion,which replicated the energy
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