ldentification and labeling of coincident point 重影点的判别与标注 Defining when two points on the solid are on the same vertical line of a projection plane,the two projected 定义 points will be the same point and the two points are called the coincident point of the projection. 当两点在某一投影面上的投影重合时称为该面的重影点。 When projected to the V-Plane,front covering back. 投影在面上重合时,前遮后(坐标大的可见)。 ldentification When projected to the H-Plane,up covering down. 判别 投影在H面上重合时,上遮下(坐标大的可见)。 When projected to the W-Plane,left covering right. 投影在面上重合时,左遮右(坐标大的可见)。 Labeling All invisible projections of points are written in brackets. 标注 将点在某投影面上的不可见投影加括号标注以示区别。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 7 Identification 判别 When projected to the H-Plane, up covering down. 投影在H面上重合时,上遮下(Z坐标大的可见)。 Identification and labeling of coincident point 重影点的判别与标注 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 Labeling 标注 Defining 定义 when two points on the solid are on the same vertical line of a projection plane, the two projected points will be the same point and the two points are called the coincident point of the projection. 当两点在某一投影面上的投影重合时称为该面的重影点。 When projected to the V-Plane, front covering back. 投影在V面上重合时,前遮后(Y坐标大的可见)。 When projected to the W-Plane, left covering right. 投影在W面上重合时,左遮右(X坐标大的可见)。 All invisible projections of points are written in brackets. 将点在某投影面上的不可见投影加括号标注以示区别
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