The 10-Step Process of Distribution Packaging Design A 10-step procedure will help you design a distribution package that provides maximum performance at least overall cost. 1. Identify the Physical Characteristics of the Product 2. Determine Marketing and Distribution Requirements 3. Learn about the Environmental Hazards Your Packages Will Encounter 4. Consider Packaging and Unitizing Alternatives 5. Design the Distribution package 6. Determine Quality of Protection through Performance-Testing 7. Redesign Package (and Unit Load) until It Successfully Passes All Tests 8. Redesign the Product if Indicated and Feasible 9. Develop the Packaging Methods 10. Document All WorkThe 10-Step Process of Distribution Packaging Design A 10-step procedure will help you design a distribution package that provides maximum performance at least overall cost. 1. Identify the Physical Characteristics of the Product 2. Determine Marketing and Distribution Requirements 3. Learn about the Environmental Hazards Your Packages Will Encounter 4. Consider Packaging and Unitizing Alternatives 5. Design the Distribution package 6. Determine Quality of Protection through Performance-Testing 7. Redesign Package (and Unit Load) until It Successfully Passes All Tests 8. Redesign the Product if Indicated and Feasible 9. Develop the Packaging Methods 10. Document All Work