Acoustic and auditory Features MFCCS, 25ms window(standard asr features) Spectral shape: energy, spectral tilt, and spectral compactness, once/millisecond Noise-robust MUSIC-based formant frequencies amplitudes, and bandwidths(zheng hasegawa Johnson, ICSLP 2004) Acoustic-phonetic parameters formant-based relative spectral measures and time-domain measures Bitar espy-Wilson, 1996) Rate-place model of neural response fields in the cat auditory cortex ( Carlyon shamma, JASA 2003)Acoustic and Auditory Features • MFCCs, 25ms window (standard ASR features) • Spectral shape: energy, spectral tilt, and spectral compactness, once/millisecond • Noise-robust MUSIC-based formant frequencies, amplitudes, and bandwidths (Zheng & HasegawaJohnson, ICSLP 2004) • Acoustic-phonetic parameters (Formant-based relative spectral measures and time-domain measures; Bitar & Espy-Wilson, 1996) • Rate-place model of neural response fields in the cat auditory cortex (Carlyon & Shamma, JASA 2003)