Chapter 18 NETWORK DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION J33 器Bb9008P NtD世 Tota deeces:30:20 0· Sarse Elnur 9 ANren N看 cu223 HP4050Sene I9P155 241 单2 112生 x192168245.18001 19216824528001 1921682453801 TmT工卷9 T二 T 19216B245.4801 19216824558C01 2涂246 t2142452 1921682456BCO1 19216824578CO1 1921682458CO1 192168245.98001 13216024518 92168245.12800 192.168245.13.8001 1金412 92168245.16O 1921682451780 SNNP :Dta 1326024510 21 192168.24520800 192.168245 12252451 42a2451 19216824522800 192.16824523800 19216B245248001 PA就pn09a日口19己24514 www.gxmu.edu.cnSimulation model Once the simulation model is created ,it must be validated for the set of assumption used in its creation,only then can it be used to project the performance of the propose network. www.gxmu.edu.cn Creating a simulation model of a network requires a detailed understanding of both the network and the simulation tool. Chapter 18 NETWORK DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION
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