5.1图像退化/复原过程的模型 图像退化(Degradation):得到的图像产生失真,未能反应真实内容。 举例:噪声、光照变化、运动模糊 8x,y)=9[f(x,y)】+n(x,y) FIGURE 5.1 A model of the g(x,y Degradation image f(x,y) Restoration 沘 f(x,y) degradation/ filter(s) restoration process. Noise n(x,y) the more we know about t and h, DEGRADATION RESTORATION the closer f(x,y)will be to f(x,y) 图像退化 (Degradation):得到的图像产生失真,未能反应真实内容。 举例:噪声、光照变化、运动模糊 5.1 图像退化/复原过程的模型 the more we know about and h, the closer 𝑓መ(𝑥, 𝑦) will be to 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)
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