Cosmological CPT violation and baryogenesis nBmb-1=hb~10-10 The universe is not symmetric between matter and antimatter We need baryogenesis Sakharov conditions for baryogenesis Baryon number non-conserving interaction · C and cp violations Departure from thermal equilibrium Precondition CPt is conserved! With CPT violation, baryon number asymmetry can be generated if B-violating interactions are in thermal equilibrium Dolgov Zeldovich, Rev. Mod. Phys(1981) Cohen Kaplan, PLB(1987)10 ~10− = −    n n n n n n nB b b b n ~ s  Cosmological CPT violation and baryogenesis The universe is not symmetric between matter and antimatter We need baryogenesis • Baryon number non-conserving interaction • C and CP violations • Departure from thermal equilibrium Sakharov conditions for baryogenesis: Precondition: CPT is conserved! Cohen & Kaplan, PLB(1987)
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