三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质:专业课 教学目的 本课程的教学目的是让学生了解分析国际市场营销环境的方法,认识不同文化环 境下的消费需求的差异性,以及根据国际不同营销环境的差异选择合适的国际市场将 进入战略,国际市场开发战略、国际市场产品与创新战略、国际市场渠道战略、以及 因际市场传播战略等。通过学习,学生应当能够掌握分析不同文化环境下的研究方法, 了解全球营销的相关理论,并且运用这些理论帮助企业制定合适的全球营销战略。 四、课程内容及要求 Chapter I Introduction to Global Marketing (一)目的与要求 1.Understanding how the world economy developed over the past decades 2.Knowing the impact of globalization on the marketing discipline 3.Learning about the interdependencies between management orientation and marketing performance 4. Understanding the factors supporting or inhibiting intemational marketing activitie (二)教学内容 1.The Marketing Concept 2.The Three Key Elements of Marketing 3.Scope and Boundaries of Global Marketing 4.Importance of Global Marketing 5.Management Orientation and Global Marketing 6.Factors Supporting or Inhibiting Global Integration (三)思政元素 1.Uses the law of the contradiction campaign between productive forces and production relations to explain the trend of globalization. 2.Predict the developing trend of world economy as well as the international relationships among various nations 22 三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质:专业课 教学目的 本课程的教学目的是让学生了解分析国际市场营销环境的方法,认识不同文化环 境下的消费需求的差异性,以及根据国际不同营销环境的差异选择合适的国际市场将 进入战略,国际市场开发战略、国际市场产品与创新战略、国际市场渠道战略、以及 国际市场传播战略等。通过学习,学生应当能够掌握分析不同文化环境下的研究方法, 了解全球营销的相关理论,并且运用这些理论帮助企业制定合适的全球营销战略。 四、课程内容及要求 Chapter 1 Introduction to Global Marketing (一)目的与要求 1. Understanding how the world economy developed over the past decades 2. Knowing the impact of globalization on the marketing discipline 3. Learning about the interdependencies between management orientation and marketing performance 4. Understanding the factors supporting or inhibiting international marketing activities (二)教学内容 1. The Marketing Concept 2. The Three Key Elements of Marketing 3. Scope and Boundaries of Global Marketing 4. Importance of Global Marketing 5. Management Orientation and Global Marketing 6. Factors Supporting or Inhibiting Global Integration (三)思政元素 1. Uses the law of the contradiction campaign between productive forces and production relations to explain the trend of globalization. 2. Predict the developing trend of world economy as well as the international relationships among various nations