Plasmodium Sporozoites Infected mosquito bites Sporozoites in salivary human;sporozoites undergo gland migrate through schizogony in bloodstream to liver cell; liver of human merozoites are produced 9Resulting sporozoites migrate to salivary glands of mosquito 3Merozoites Sexual released into reproduction bloodsteam from liver may infect 8 In mosquito's Asexual new red blood Zygote cells digestive tract, reproduction gametocytes Female unite to form Intermediate host gametocyte zygote ④Merozoite develops Male into ring stage in red gametocyte blood cell Ring 5Ring stage stage grows and Definitive host divides, )Another mosquito bites 6Merozoites are released producing infected humnan and merozoites when red blood cell ingests gametocytes ruptures;some merozoites infect new red blood cells, and some develop into male and female gametocytes Merozoites Figure 12.19Plasmodium Figure 12.19 Infected mosquito bites human; sporozoites migrate through bloodstream to liver of human Sporozoites undergo schizogony in liver cell; merozoites are produced Merozoites released into bloodsteam from liver may infect new red blood cells Merozoites are released when red blood cell ruptures; some merozoites infect new red blood cells, and some develop into male and female gametocytes 1 2 3 4 6 Asexual reproduction Intermediate host Merozoite develops into ring stage in red blood cell Ring stage Merozoites Another mosquito bites infected humnan and ingests gametocytes 7 5 Ring stage grows and divides, producing merozoites Definitive host In mosquito’s digestive tract, gametocytes unite to form zygote 8 Male gametocyte Female gametocyte Zygote Sexual reproduction Resulting sporozoites migrate to salivary glands of mosquito 9 Sporozoites in salivary gland
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