cling ● clung to the rope to keep from falling; fabrics that cling to the body. We clung together in the storm. clinging to outdated customs. ●Cling on to'紧紧抱住,死抱不放 .The old man clung on to a tree trunk, which saved him in the flood. ●Cling to依附,依靠,坚持cling ⚫ clung to the rope to keep from falling; fabrics that cling to the body. ⚫ We clung together in the storm. ⚫ clinging to outdated customs. ⚫ Cling on to紧紧抱住, 死抱不放 ⚫ The old man clung on to a tree trunk, which saved him in the flood. ⚫ Cling to依附, 依靠, 坚持
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