will not have to work for the three days! We will do many things together. I like going to the National Day Celebration(B%)But the best thing in autumn is my birthday; it is in October. I will be fifteen years old Good-bye for now Li Ming To:Li-ming@yahoo.com From jenny(acompmail ca Subject: Thanksgiving Date:29/09 9:12PM Dear Li ming Thank you for your e-mail! I love autumn too. In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving. Families always celebrate( t )Thanksgivir together. I will go to my grandmother and grandfather's house. My uncles, aunts and their children will be there 0n in early October. In the USa, they celebrate Thanksgiving in late November Have a good time on your birthday Li Ming! On my birthday i have a cake with candles. Everyone sings"Happy birthday. Then I blow out the candles! Will you have a cake on your birthday? Your friend Jenny 61 When is Li Mings birthday? A. On September29 B. In September C Before September 29 D After September 62 Americans celebrate Thanksgiving later than Canad ians one mon B. less than two months C. two months D more than two months 63 What do Canadians usually do in thanksgiving? A eat cakes B stay together C. watch the moon D sing the song 64 When Jenny blows out the candles, they A stop burning B start burning C are broken Dare cut 65 What must Li Ming and Jenny use when they wrote to each other? A 八、完成句子:(10分) 66、我一点儿也不怕单独呆在黑暗的房子里 Im staying in the dark house alone 67、法国建筑师埃菲尔为建造埃菲尔铁塔做了巨大贡献will not have to work for the three days! We will do many things together. I like going to the National Day Celebration(庆祝) But the best thing in autumn is my birthday; it is in October. I will be fifteen years old. Good-bye for now. Li Ming To:Li-Ming@yahoo.com From:jenny@compmail.ca Subject:Thanksgiving Date:29/09 9:12 PM Dear Li Ming, Thank you for your e-mail! I love autumn, too. In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving. Families always celebrate ( 庆 祝 )Thanksgiving together. I will go to my grandmother and grandfather’s house. My uncles, aunts and their children will be there, too. Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October. In the USA, they celebrate Thanksgiving in late November. Have a good time on your birthday, Li Ming! On my birthday, I have a cake with candles. Everyone sings “Happy birthday.” Then I blow out the candles! Will you have a cake on your birthday? Your friend, Jenny ( )61.When is Li Ming’s birthday? A.On September29 B.In September C.Before September 29 D.After September ( )62.Americans celebrate Thanksgiving later than Canadians A.one month B.less than two months C.two months D.more than two months ( )63.What do Canadians usually do in thanksgiving? A.eat cakes B.stay together C.watch the moon D.sing the song ( )64.When Jenny blows out the candles, they . A.stop burning B.start burning C.are broken D.are cut ( )65.What must Li Ming and Jenny use when they wrote to each other? A.pens B.paper C.computers D.telephones 八、完成句子:(10 分) 66、我一点儿也不怕单独呆在黑暗的房子里。 I’m _____________ staying in the dark house alone_____________. 67、法国建筑师埃菲尔为建造埃菲尔铁塔做了巨大贡献
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