DEFINITION 9 Matrices 矩阵 Leta=ai be an m x k zero-one matrix and b=[bil be a k x n zero-one matrix. Then the boolean product ofa and e, denoted by a⊙B, is the m× n matrix with (i,jth entry Icil where C=(an∧b)V(a2^b2)V…V(a∧b3)M a t r i c e s 矩 阵 DEFINITION 9. Let A = [aij] be an m × k zero-one matrix and B = [bij] be a k × n zero-one matrix. Then the Boolean product of A and B, denoted by A⊙B, is the m × n matrix with (i, j)th entry [cij] where cij = (ai1∧b1j)∨(ai2∧b2j)∨…∨(aik∧bkj)