We are on Coordir ,made sure that the significant difficultie unfail: for wa scheduling.compo ac nd Dwer our de the media program.In addition,Amanda ably coordi of working with a number of outstanding developmental nated the print supplements plan.Special thanks als editors over the years,and Irene continues this tradi Shannon Molo ey and Nandin ene is thoughtful,insightful,and very efficient at Ahuja.S andy Execu e Marketing anage than cl sa Sam d nd his sale staff for tions and a eneral so Seno PrEditor Deni ShrheRedd. ort.Without their able and enthusiastic p of our text to the academic community,all of ou managed the flow of the entire project,from copyediting efforts would be in vain.We also wish to thank Kate through bound book,with admirable efficiency.Irene Ahr Parker,Publisher.for her encouragement and belie rtanott Mercy Heston,our manuscript tors in us ency and clarity of the hanks al tions as w toour many c as throug P 1 phasizing its t t.Finally.we a debt of ude to Christine buese and photo researcher lacalyn wone our wives Wendie Bere Alison Un and found the photographs that we hope make the text not Megan Williams,and our children,especially Timothy only more inviting,but also fun to look through.Janice Donnola,Ilustra Coordinator ected the undertaken,let alone successfully completedxv We are delighted to work with Senior Acquisitions Editor, Lauren Schultz, for the fi rst time. She was unfailing in her enthusiasm and generous with her sup￾port. Another new member of the team was our devel￾opmental editor, Irene Pech. We have had the pleasure of working with a number of outstanding developmental editors over the years, and Irene continues this tradi￾tion. Irene is thoughtful, insightful, and very effi cient at identifying aspects of our writing and fi gures that were less than clear. Lisa Samols, a former developmental editor, served as a consultant, archivist for previous edi￾tions, and a general source of publishing knowledge. Senior Project Editor Deni Showers, with Sherrill Redd, managed the fl ow of the entire project, from copyediting through bound book, with admirable effi ciency. Irene Vartanoff and Mercy Heston, our manuscript editors, enhanced the literary consistency and clarity of the text. Vicki Tomaselli, Design Manager, produced a design and layout that makes the book uniquely attractive while still emphasizing its ties to past editions. Photo Editor Christine Buese and Photo Researcher Jacalyn Wong found the photographs that we hope make the text not only more inviting, but also fun to look through. Janice Donnola, Illustration Coordinator, deftly directed the rendering of new illustrations. Paul Rohloff, Production Coordinator, made sure that the signifi cant diffi culties of scheduling, composition, and manufacturing were smoothly overcome. Amanda Dunning and Donna Brodman did a wonderful job in their management of the media program. In addition, Amanda ably coordi￾nated the print supplements plan. Special thanks also to editorial assistants Shannon Moloney and Nandini Ahuja. Sandy Lindelof, Executive Marketing Manager, enthusiastically introduced this newest edition of Biochemistry to the academic world. We are deeply appreciative of Craig Bleyer and his sales staff for their support. Without their able and enthusiastic presenta￾tion of our text to the academic community, all of our efforts would be in vain. We also wish to thank Kate Ahr Parker, Publisher, for her encouragement and belief in us. Thanks also to our many colleagues at our own institu￾tions as well as throughout the country who patiently answered our questions and encouraged us on our quest. Finally, we owe a debt of gratitude to our fami￾lies—our wives, Wendie Berg, Alison Unger, and Megan Williams, and our children, especially Timothy and Mark Gatto. Without their support, comfort, and understanding, this endeavor could never have been undertaken, let alone successfully completed
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