English 365 Unit 8 The A team 8.1 Find a word related to each clue. The first letter has been given. Someone who does a job quickly and well 1 Someone who always arrives on time 2 Someone who has a lot of new ideas 3 Someone who doesn't like working 4 Someone who wants to be the 5 Someone who is friendly and 6 Someone who doesn't like waiting for things 8 Someone who isn,t afraid to speak in front of a 82 83 Choose the best word to fill each gap in the Match each sentence with the best ending e-mail from the alternatives given below Did you have with your luggage? 1 The cars see you again. Thank you for(0). e-mail. Thank you for 2 It's good to your (1). details. I can(2).. 3 Can I help youd a good trip Catherine Olembe will (3) … you at the 4 Hows the weather e manage, thanks airport, so there is no need to(4) 6 No. I can g back home? to the hotel I look forward to(5). you, too Answe sa23456 Shirle Example A B C 1 a arrive B arriving C arrival 2A confirm B assure C affirm 3 A meeting B C meet 4a take B bring C have 5 A looking B seeing C watching 6 a wishes B hope Test mark/20 English365 C Cambridge University Press 2004 PHOTOCOPIABLE-Unit 8                                                        !         "        #             $       %     &                                    ' ( ) *      +,-.................... /. *         +-.................... . 0  +-....................   1   2  +-....................       )       +!-....................     . 0       +"-....................  )  . 3 +#-....................   4   3   1    4  3  1   4  5 3  1 5  4  3  1  ! 4  3  1  " 4   3  1   # 4   3  1                 6  *        .  0       1 0       ! '        )  . " 2)       . # 7 ) 0   6 4    !"# *  %,          !  "           
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