M.L. Antti et al. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 24(2004)565-578 high temperature application in CMCs. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. 23. Suo, Z, Ho, S and Gong, x, Notch ductile-to-brittle transition 1999,21,191-198 due to localized inelastic band. J. Eng. Materials and Technology, 17. Petry, M. D. and Mah, T I, The effect of thermal 93,115,319326 the strengths of Nextel M 550 and 720 filaments.J 4. Babushkin, O, unpublished work. Soc.1999,82,2801-2807 25. Antti. M.-L.. Lara- Curzio. E. and Ferber. M. K. 18. Savin. G. N. Stress Concentrations around Holes. Pergamon damage evolution in continuous fiber-reinforced Press. London 1961 composites under cyclic loading, using infra-red thermography. 19. Young. C, Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, 6th ed. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. 2001. 22. 711-716. MacGraw-Hill, N.Y. 1989 26. Wilson, D. M, Lieder, S. L. and Lueneburg. D. C, Micro- 20. Tan. S. C. Finite width correction factor for anisotro structure and high temperature properties of Nextel 720 fibres. ontaining a central opening. J. Composite Materials. p Ceran.Eng.Sci.Poc,1995,16,1005-1014. 1080-1097 27. Klug, F J. Prochazka, S and Doremus, R. H, AlOr.SiO3 21. Waddoups, M. E, Eisenmann, J. R and Kaminski, B. E, Mac. m in the mullite region. J.A. Ceram. Soc., 1987, 70, 750-759. roscopic fracture mechanics of advanced composite materials. J. 28. Pearce. D. H. Jickells. A. J and Ponton. C.B. Fabrication of Composite Materials, 1971. 5, 446-454 sapphire fibre reinforced ceramic matrix composite. British 22. Whitney, J. M. and Nuismer, R. J. Stress fracture criteria for Ceran.Tras,1996,95,141-145 minated composites containing stress concentrations. J. Com- 29. Stevens, SJ. Hand, R. J and Sharp, J. H, Polymorphism of posite Materials, 1974. 8. 253-265. silica. Materials Science. 1997. 32. 2929-2935high temperature application in CMCs. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc, 1999, 21, 191–198. 17. Petry, M. D. and Mah, T. I., The effect of thermal exposures on the strengths of NextelTM 550 and 720 filaments. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1999, 82, 2801–2807. 18. Savin, G. N., Stress Concentrations around Holes. Pergamion Press, London, 1961. 19. Young, W. C., Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, 6th ed.. MacGraw-Hill, N.Y, 1989. 20. Tan, S. C., Finite width correction factor for anisotropic plate containing a central opening. J. Composite Materials, 1988, 22, 1080–1097. 21. Waddoups, M. E., Eisenmann, J. R. and Kaminski, B. E., Mac￾roscopic fracture mechanics of advanced composite materials. J. Composite Materials, 1971, 5, 446–454. 22. Whitney, J. M. and Nuismer, R. J., Stress fracture criteria for laminated composites containing stress concentrations. J. Com￾posite Materials, 1974, 8, 253–265. 23. Suo, Z., Ho, S. and Gong, X., Notch ductile-to-brittle transition due to localized inelastic band. J. Eng. Materials and Technology, 1993, 115, 319–326. 24. Babushkin, O., unpublished work. 25. Antti, M.-L., Lara-Curzio, E. and Ferber, M. K., Analysis of damage evolution in continuous fiber-reinforced oxide/oxide composites under cyclic loading, using infra-red thermography. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 2001, 22, 711–716. 26. Wilson, D. M., Lieder, S. L. and Lueneburg, D. C., Micro￾structure and high temperature properties of Nextel 720 fibres. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc, 1995, 16, 1005–1014. 27. Klug, F. J., Prochazka, S. and Doremus, R. H., Al2O3-SiO2 sys￾tem in the mullite region. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1987, 70, 750–759. 28. Pearce, D. H., Jickells, A. J. and Ponton, C. B., Fabrication of sapphire fibre reinforced ceramic matrix composite. British Ceram. Trans, 1996, 95, 141–145. 29. Stevens, S. J., Hand, R. J. and Sharp, J. H., Polymorphism of silica. J. Materials Science, 1997, 32, 2929–2935. 578 M.-L. Antti et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 24 (2004) 565–578
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