Clearly, we cannot achieve a closed-loop pole at without some dynamic compensation. However, if we use the zero of a cascade lead compensator to cancel the pole at and place the pole at we get D1=zpk([-1],[-4],1); Go1=D1*G1★H; locus(Go1) which will have a closed-loop pole at the desired location when the gain is Kc =rlocfind(Gol,-2+23) KC 2022-2-11 102022-2-11 10 Clearly, we cannot achieve a closed-loop pole at without some dynamic compensation. However, if we use the zero of a cascade lead compensator to cancel the pole at and place the pole at we get: D1 = zpk([-1],[-4],1); Go1 = D1*G1*H; rlocus(Go1) which will have a closed-loop pole at the desired location when the gain is Kc =rlocfind(Go1,-2+2j) Kc = 8
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