2010 Food Safety Risk Index very high risk"countries Afghanistan, Congo(DRC)Democratic Republic, Burundi, Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Angola, Liberia, Chad and zimbabwe high risk countries Bangladesh(ranked 23), Pakistan(ranked 30), India (ranked 31), Filipino(ranked 52), and are classified as moderate risk countries, including the ranked 96 China Enough food countries Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, North America and Western Europe The highest risk of food in 50 countries, 36 are in sub-Saharan africa2010 Food Safety Risk Index “very high risk” countries : Afghanistan, Congo (DRC) Democratic Republic, Burundi, Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Angola, Liberia, Chad and Zimbabwe. “high risk” countries: Bangladesh (ranked 23), Pakistan (ranked 30), India (ranked 31), Filipino (ranked 52), and are classified as “moderate risk” countries, including the ranked 96 China. “Enough food” countries: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway,North America and Western Europe The highest risk of food in 50 countries, 36 are in sub-Saharan Africa