Treatment治疗 2 Avoid to contact allergen避免接触变应原 3. Immunotherapy 免疫治疗 Indication: IgE-mediated disease( I type allergy)caused by 适应症 inhalant allergen Method: increasing doses of allergen are injected until 方法 the maximum tolerable dose is reached maintenance dose(maximum tolerable dose) 最大耐受剂量 Course: 2 years or more 疗程Treatment治疗 2.Avoid to contact allergen 避免接触变应原 3.Immunotherapy 免疫治疗 Indication: IgE-mediated disease (Ⅰtype allergy) caused by 适应症 inhalant allergen Method: increasing doses of allergen are injected until 方法 the maximum tolerable dose is reached maintenance dose(maximum tolerable dose ) 最大耐受剂量 Course: 2 years or more 疗程
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