76."We have different characters.And,in a certain sense.we have little A B.in actior C.in place D.in disguise off ice earlier than usual this moming traffic jam A.in line with B.in case of C.for the sake of D.at the risk of 78.While in London,we paid a visit to the hospital founded the nurse Florence nightingale. A.in line with B.in honor of C.in favor of D.in place of 79.“W I changed my A.On a second thought B.By the second thought C On second thoughts D.By second thoughts 80."The price of the things keeps going up."Yes,but the interest paid on my saving account is certain no A.risen B.raise C.on the rise D.on the raise 81.The John F.Kennedy Center for the performing arts intends to keep ticket prices of lower income groups A.inside the grasp B.near the range C.within the reach D.between the grip B.has not use to me C.in no use for me D.is of no use to me 83.The question is still discussion. A in B.by C on D.under 84.The old woman is always A.under the weathe B.under consideration C.under way D.under age 85.To say that someone's work is not good is to find fault it. A of B on c in D with 86.A"union"is an organization of wage earners formed for the purpose of protecting the worker wages and workin g conditions B.regardless C.on account of D.with a view to should any money be given to small child. A.On no account B.From all accounts C.Ofno account D.By all accounts 88.The different physical characteristics of each race of people in this world have developed over thousandsof years,usually adaptation to climate. A.as a result B.as a result of C.with the result D.as result of 89.In the experiment we kept a watchful eye the developments and recorded every detail. A in B at C for D.on 90.Aperson's calorie requirements vary his life A B th out C.ove D.within 91.The speech which he made .the project has bothered me greatly A.being concerned B.concerned C.be concerned D.concerning 92. seeing the damage he had done,the child felt ashamed. A.By B.On C.At D.For 76. “We have different characters. And, in a certain sense, we have little _.” A. in common B. in action C. in place D. in disguise 77. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _ traffic jam. A. in line with B. in case of C. for the sake of D. at the risk of 78. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded _ the nurse Florence Nightingale. A. in line with B. in honor of C. in favor of D. in place of 79. “Why didn’t you go to the lecture yesterday evening?” “_, I changed my mind.” A. On a second thought B. By the second thought C. On second thoughts D. By second thoughts 80. “The price of the things keeps going up.” “Yes, but the interest paid on my saving account is certainly not _.” A. risen B. raise C. on the rise D. on the raise 81. The John F. Kennedy Center for the performing arts intends to keep ticket prices _ of lower income groups. A. inside the grasp B. near the range C. within the reach D. between the grip 82. This book _. A. has no use for me B. has not use to me C. in no use for me D. is of no use to me 83. The question is still _ discussion. A. in B. by C. on D. under 84. The old woman is always _. A. under the weather B. under consideration C. under way D. under age 85. To say that someone’s work is not good is to find fault _ it. A. of B. on C. in D. with 86. A “union” is an organization of wage earners formed for the purpose of protecting the worker _ wages and working conditions. A. with respect to B. regardless C. on account of D. with a view to 87. _ should any money be given to small child. A. On no account B. From all accounts C. Of no account D. By all accounts 88. The different physical characteristics of each race of people in this world have developed over thousands of years, usually _ adaptation to climate. A. as a result B. as a result of C. with the result D. as result of 89. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _ the developments and recorded every detail. A. in B. at C. for D. on 90. A person’s calorie requirements vary _ his life. A. across B. throughout C. over D. within 91. The speech which he made _ the project has bothered me greatly. A. being concerned B. concerned C. be concerned D. concerning 92. _ seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed. A. By B. On C. At D. For
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