REVIEWS Table 1|Different ways of classifying behaviour egory of behaviour in general h ther pe Personaity traits (extraversion,neuroticism) swith Socal emotions (u embarrassment.pride.jealousy data that ane a ilabl ent r as man motional response Basic emoions (happiness.tear,anger,disgust,sadness) Motivational state (reward,punishment) finding that we accumulate be under a ing ks exn n the m ent ns of mnnate and acqured f are th cultu more cos e and e be ood b art by fro nd to what suit be recly shape 5d ng.Y.Card, n11255-6158 30. 00 D.&E s,R Th en,E.Ral, 41513 38 onu a2 lonsinapatert with bteral 199门9 E 1656116 30. 44 T.ela.Ar S.E.A 41,305 A.Gros Gabnell.D.E 176 MARCH 2003 VOLUME 176 | MARCH 2003 | VOLUME 4 www.nature.com/reviews/neuro REVIEWS re-describe events from several points of view — an ability that might fuel the emergence of science, art and culture in general. Just as we can think about other peo￾ple, we can step outside ourselves and think about our￾selves, have conversations with ourselves, and imagine things happening to ourselves in the future. The data that are available at present raise as many questions as they provide answers. How can the diverse findings that we accumulate be situated under a single functional framework? Specifically, how can causal net￾works explain the many correlations between brain and behaviour that we are discovering? What are the relative contributions of innate and acquired factors, culture and individual differences to social cognition? To what extent do these factors contribute to psychopathology? Can large-scale social behaviour, as studied by political science and economics, be understood by studying social cognition in individual subjects? Finally, what power will insights from cognitive neuroscience give us to influence our social behaviour, and hence society? And to what extent would such pursuit be morally defensible? How we approach these questions will largely shape social brain science in the coming decades. reward and punishment148. We might need to invent a new set of terms that can translate between the different ways of describing social behaviour, and that correspond more closely to the neural processes that underlie them. It might be that certain social cognitive skills — notably the ability to represent other people’s minds — distinguish humans and perhaps apes from all other animals. If we understand other people in part by simu￾lating processes within ourselves, the converse is also true: we understand ourselves in part by observing other people and their reactions to us. 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