3.《昆虫学通论》(上下册),管致和,尤子平,周晓等编著,农业出版 社,1978 4.《普通昆虫学》,雷朝亮,荣秀兰编著,中国农业出版社,2003 5.《昆虫学》(上下册),复旦大学、南开大学、中山大学、北京大学等五 校主编,人民教育出版社,1981 6.Entomology Third Edition),Cedric Gillott,Springer,2005 7.Borror and DeLong's introduction to the Study of Insects Seventh Edition),Charles A.Triplehorn,Norman F.Johnson, Thomson Broks/cole,2005 课后自我总 结分析 学时:2学时 章节 昆虫的消化系统与生理 要求学生掌握内部器官消化系统的基本构造和功能。重点理解消化作用和 教学目的 吸收机制,马氏管的排泄机制;要求学生勤动手实验,动眼观察各种生物学 和要求 现象,动脑分析归纳各种表面现象,总结一般规律, 教学进程 Alimentary System (含章节 The gut is a continuous tube running from the mouth to the anus. 教学内容、 The alimentary canal is divided into three main regions:the foregut 学时分配、 or stomodaeum(▣道),the midgut or mesenteron(中肠),and the 教学方法、 hindgut or proctodaeum(肛道), 辅助手段) Proventriculus前胃 control the passage of food to the midgut,to filter liquid and solid components and to grinder solid material Oesophagus食道 The oesophagus is an undifferentiated part of the foregut serving to pass food back from the pharynx to the crop. function: The foregut is concerned with the storage of food and sometimes helps to fragment the food before it passes to the midgut.3.《昆虫学通论》(上下册),管致和,尤子平,周尧等编著,农业出版 社,1978 4.《普通昆虫学》,雷朝亮,荣秀兰编著,中国农业出版社,2003 5.《昆虫学》(上下册),复旦大学、南开大学、中山大学、北京大学等五 校主编,人民教育出版社,1981 6.《Entomology Third Edition》,Cedric Gillott, Springer,2005 7.《Borror and DeLong’s introduction to the Study of Insects Seventh Edition》,Charles A.Triplehorn,Norman F.Johnson, Thomson Broks/cole,2005 课后自我总 结分析 学时:2学时 章节 昆虫的消化系统与生理 教学目的 和要求 要求学生掌握内部器官消化系统的基本构造和功能。重点理解消化作用和 吸收机制,马氏管的排泄机制;要求学生勤动手实验,动眼观察各种生物学 现象,动脑分析归纳各种表面现象,总结一般规律. 教学进程 (含章节 教学内容、 学时分配、 教学方法、 辅助手段) Alimentary System The gut is a continuous tube running from the mouth to the anus. The alimentary canal is divided into three main regions: the foregut or stomodaeum(口道), the midgut or mesenteron(中肠), and the hindgut or proctodaeum(肛道), Proventriculus前胃 control the passage of food to the midgut ,to filter liquid and solid components and to grinder solid material Oesophagus食道 The oesophagus is an undifferentiated part of the foregut serving to pass food back from the pharynx to the crop. function : The foregut is concerned with the storage of food and sometimes helps to fragment the food before it passes to the midgut
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