1. Davies et al. /Journal of the European Ceramic Sociery 25(2005)599-604 8. Ogasawara, T, Ishikawa, T, Ito, H, Watanabe N. and davies, I J 4. Badini, C, Fino, P, Ubertalli, G. and Taricco, F, Degradation at Multiple cracking and tensile behavior for an orthogonal 3-D woven Si-Ti-C-O fibre/Si-Ti-C-O matrix composite. J. Am. Ceram. Soc SICFILLR method J. Eur. Ceram Soc. 2000, 20, 1505-1514 by 200C of a SiC coated 2D-Nicalon/C/SiC 2001,84(⑦),1565-1574 25. More, K. L, Ailey, K.S, Lowden, R. A and Lin, H. T, Evaluating 9. Kerans, R. J, Hay, R. S, Parthasarathy, T. A. and Cinibulk, M. K. the effect of oxygen content in BN interfacial coatings on the stability Interface design for oxidation- resistan opposites.J.Am. of SiC/BN/SiC composites Composites: Part A 1999, 30, 463-470 Ceran.Soc.2002,8511),2599-2632 6. Morscher, G. M, Hurst, J. and Brewer, D, Intermediate-temperature 10. 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E, Testing the tensile properties of ceramic-matrix Y and Matsushima, M, Strength and fracture toughness properties composites JOM 1993(May ), 57-63 of oxidation resistant high-temperature ceramic matrix composite 6. Gogotsi, Y G. and Yoshimura, M, Low-temperature oxidation, hy In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Composite drothermal corrosion, and their effects on properties of SiC (Tyranno) Materials (), Vol 2, ed. A. Miravete. Madrid, Spain, July 1993. Woodhead Publishing Co, Cambridge, UK, 1993, pp 137-144. 32. Shand, E. B, Breaking stresses of glass determined from dimensions els of high-temperature, environmentally assisted embrittlement in of fracture mirrors. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1959, 42(10), 474-477 ceramic-matrix composites. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1996, 79(9), 2345- 33. Levengood, w. C, Effects of original flaw characteristics on gla 18. Philipuzzi, L and Naslain, R, Oxidation mechanisms and kinetics of 34. Krohn, D. A and Hasselman, D. 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