上海交通大学交大密西根 联合学院·一 ◆ 181 UM-SJTU Joint Institute University of Michigan Shanghal Jiao Tong University class Definition (MsgConsoleT.h) class is a keyword defined in C++for user defined data type public is an attribute specifier keyword defined in C++; public versus private which is default in class member attribute disp (is defined to display the execution solution of the class class MsgConsoleT:public ConsoleT{ public: void disp(string name){ printLine (name,"welsome to the Vg101 class!",endl); Please input your first name here (no spaces>: samson samson,welsome to the Ug101 class! #endifclass Definition ( Definition (MsgConsoleT.h MsgConsoleT.h) class is a keyword defined in C++ for user defined data type public is an attribute specifier keyword defined in C++; public versus private which is default in class member attribute disp () is defined to display the execution solution of the class
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