6.001, Spring Semester, 2005--Quiz I Part 4(12 point s) Given our little data base of personnel files, we might want to be able to sort the entries, for example by increasing salary. Here is a procedure for sort in (define (find-best best rest comp are extract or (if (null? rest) (if (compare (extractor (car rest)) (extractor best t (find-best best (cdr rest) comp are extract or ))) (define (remove elt rest same) (if (null? rest) (if (same elt (car rest)) (cons (car rest)(remove elt (cdr rest) same))))) (define (sort data comp are extractor same) let ((trial (find-best (car data)(cdr data) comp are extract or))) (let ((rest (remove trial data same))) (cons trial (sort rest compare extractor same)))))) For example, to sort our data by increasing salary, we would evaluat ledata salary = We are going to measure the order of growth in time(as measured by the number of primit ive operat ions in the computation) and in space(as measured by the maximum number of deferred operat ions-do not count in space the intermediate dat a structures constructed by the algorit hm) measured as a funct ion of t he size of dat a, denoted by n. Assume that the procedures used for compare, extract or and same use const ant time and space For each of the following questions, choose the descript ion from these options that best describes the order of growt h of the process. If you select"something else", please st ate why C: exponential D: quadrat ic E: logarit hm F: somet hing else F . 1& & ?&' - * - 1 1 & * &' > 1/ & &/" & &3 4 +- 4 4 4 4 ( +- ( 4 4 ( +- 4 >' & 1/ & &/' - - . 3 5 6 < & * -* @& & 1/ * 1 . & * C & @& & 1/ * > 1 & G & * & & & 1/ * *C' & & * &, ' 1/ " && * * & & ! " & & &" * * - + &&' *& * & *& & * 1& &1& * -* * &&" / & A&* &B' & & -*/" 3 & ;3 3 > 3 + 3 * 3 &* &