assumptions 1. Tar is only receptor type, chew and cheA a lways bound to tar 2. Methylation occurs in specific order 3. Consider only 3 highest methylation states 4. Only cheB demethylate 5. Phoshorylation of chea does not affect ligand (un)binding 6. Tar-cher binding does not affect ligand un (binding) and phosphorylation of cheA Chez is not regulated 8. Phosphotransfer from complex to CheY or Cheb is not affected by occupancy or methylation stateassumptions: 1. Tar is only receptor type, CheW and CheA always bound to Tar 2. Methylation occurs in specific order 3. Consider only 3 highest methylation states 4. Only CheBp demethylates 5. Phoshorylation of CheA does not affect ligand (un)binding 6. Tar-CheR binding does not affect ligand un(binding) and phosphorylation of CheA 7. CheZ is not regulated 8. Phosphotransfer from complex to CheY or CheB is not affected by occupancy or methylation state