积累与巩固 工.根据句意及提示补全句子。 1.The bird spread its wings (翅膀) 2.Some young people were ahead(在前面)of us and running to the beach fast. 3.You can believe in this girl,because she never tells a lie. 4.The bicycles they produced a few years ago were not up to standard(标准). 5.Our headmaster had a speech at the opening ceremony 导航页导航页 积累与巩固 Ⅰ. 根据句意及提示补全句子。 1.The bird spread its __________(翅膀). 2.Some young people were __________(在前面) of us and running to the beach fast. 3.You can b__________ in this girl,because she never tells a lie. 4.The bicycles they produced a few years ago were not up to __________(标准). 5.Our headmaster had a speech at the opening c__________. wings ahead elieve standard eremony
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