影片介绍 ■业界评价 更房: earning more than its budget a box office disappointment 评论 ◆小说原作者: positive; Christian bale' s performance. ◆外媒:基本肯定 VPOSITIVE Time: allusive legerdemain +intelligent density of images and emotions The New York times The Wall Street Journal an edgy, intelligent script : extraordinary film able a visual splendor +a heroic adventurousness+ an immense scope =unforget NEGATIVE the village Voice: shamelessly kiddiecentric √ MIXED Roger Ebert: it didn t much move me no world where you can play with airplanes can be all that bad票房:earning more than its budget a box office disappointment 评论: ◆小说原作者:positive ;Christian Bale's performance. ◆外媒:基本肯定 ✓POSITIVE Time:allusive legerdemain + intelligent density of images and emotions The New York Times a visual splendor +a heroic adventurousness+ an immense scope=unforgettable. The Wall Street Journal :an edgy, intelligent script ;extraordinary film ✓NEGATIVE: the Village Voice: shamelessly kiddiecentric ✓MIXED Roger Ebert: it didn‘t much move me. no world where you can play with airplanes can be all that bad