intellectuality.More schools were set up.The Copyright Act of 1709 made,for the first time in English history,literary creation an honorable and independent profession. Besides the popular forms of poetry,novel and drama,the 5 period also saw the appearance of such popular press as pamphlets and newspapers and periodicals.And there was also the flourish of coffee houses and all kinds of social clubs,(about 2000 in London.) which greatly helped the cultivation and promotion of the new English culture. However,in the later part of the century,people began to feel 5 discontented with the rigidity of rationality.A demand for a release of one's spontaneous feeling,a relaxation from the cold and rigid logic of rationality and an escape from,the inhuman Industrial Revolution gradually took shape in the form of sentimental and pre-romantic novel and poetry. 3.0 Characteristics of the Literature The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism.Wha the writers described in their works were social realities.The main characters were usually common men.Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life.Literature included book newspaper,magazine,and pamphlets.Prose had a rapid development in this age,so the 18th century wasan age of prose.intellectuality. More schools were set up. The Copyright Act of 1709 made, for the first time in English history, literary creation an honorable and independent profession. Besides the popular forms of poetry, novel and drama, the period also saw the appearance of such popular press as pamphlets and newspapers and periodicals. And there was also the flourish of coffee houses and all kinds of social clubs, (about 2000 in London.) which greatly helped the cultivation and promotion of the new English culture. However, in the later part of the century, people began to feel discontented with the rigidity of rationality. A demand for a release of one's spontaneous feeling, a relaxation from the cold and rigid logic of rationality and an escape from, the inhuman Industrial Revolution gradually took shape in the form of sentimental and pre-romantic novel and poetry. 3.0 Characteristics of the Literature The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. What the writers described in their works were social realities. The main characters were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life. Literature included book, newspaper, magazine, and pamphlets. Prose had a rapid development in this age, so the 18th century was an age of prose. 5’ 5’ 5’
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