)28 -Listen! It be Jenny who is playing the piano in the music hall be her. Because I saw her go ho B C. can't. can't D. mustnt. can serious air pollution We must do what we can air pollution A. What, to cut down B. What a. cut down C. How to cut down D. How: cut down )30. -l failed in doing the experiment just now, Mr Brown I Try once more and you will find which step was wrong A take up B. make up D put up )31. The soup tastes terrible because I put too much salt into it A. simply )32. When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life a group of people have in A. what B who C. where D. that )33. -You look tired. What's wrong with you? my speech from eight o'clock to midnight B am practicing C. was practic D. has practiced 34.-I haven t seen Tony for a few days. Where is he orry, I really don' t know A where has he bec B. where has he gone C where he has gone )35 -Sir, could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free(EXaB'J) school A. Sure. I'd love to B. No problem C. I'm sorry about this D. Never mind 第二节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 In 1985 two climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, left their base camp and started climbing a mountain called Siula Grande 36 they arrived at the top, they went down the mountain. Unfortunately, Simpson fell his leg Quickly, Yates tied a rope to himself and then to his 38 Then Si slipped (THE). He was hanging in mid-air. Yates didn't know 39 was happening below. The rope was pulling Yates down the mountain. He had two choices: hold the rope but then 40 of them might die, or cut the rope and survive(* 1f)himself. It was a(n) 41 decision for Yates but at the last moment, Yates 42 the rope and saved himself. As a result, Simpson fell into a deep 英语试卷第3页(共10页)英语试卷第3页(共 10 页) ( )28. — Listen ! It _____ be Jenny who is playing the piano in the music hall. —It _____ be her. Because I saw her go home two minutes ago. A. may ; mustn’t B. must ; can’t C. can’t ; can’t D. mustn’t ; can ( )29. _____ serious air pollution ! We must do what we can _____ air pollution. A. What ; to cut down B. What a ; cut down C .How ; to cut down D. How ; cut down ( )30. —I failed in doing the experiment just now, Mr Brown. —Don’t ________! Try once more and you will find which step was wrong. A. take up B. make up C. give up D. put up ( ) 31. The soup tastes terrible because I put too much salt into it __________. A. simply B. exactly C. carelessly D. properly ( )32. When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life_________ a group of people have in common. A. what B. who C. where D. that ( )33. —You look tired. What’s wrong with you? —I stayed up late night. I ______ my speech from eight o’clock to midnight. A.practiced B. am practicing C. was practicing D. has practiced ( )34. . —I haven’t seen Tony for a few days. Where is he ? —Sorry, I really don’t know _____. A. where has he been B. where has he gone C. where he has gone D. where he has been ( )35. — Sir, could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free (无烟的) school. — ________. A. Sure, I’d love to B. No problem C. I’m sorry about this D. Never mind 第二节 完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 In 1985 two climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, left their base camp and started climbing a mountain called Siula Grande. 36 they arrived at the top, they went down the mountain. Unfortunately, Simpson fell and 37 his leg. Quickly, Yates tied a rope to himself and then to his 38 . Then Simpson slipped(滑倒). He was hanging in mid-air. Yates didn’t know 39 was happening below. The rope was pulling Yates down the mountain. He had two choices: hold the rope but then 40 of them might die, or cut the rope and survive(幸存)himself. It was a(n) 41 decision for Yates but, at the last moment, Yates 42 the rope and saved himself. As a result, Simpson fell into a deep
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