He speaks as if he were an Englishman 他讲起来就象个英国人。 She looks as if She is happy. 她看上去好象很幸福。 练习: Choose the best to complete the sentences: 1.If you had worked more carefully,you so many mistakes made b.would not have made c.should not make d.would not make here tomorrow evening he would talk to her. 3.w ,S0. natch postponed wish I hard while l was vou a.would study b.studied c.had studied d.would have studied 5.Without your help,we such rapid progress. a.don't.make b.will not make c.didn't make d.wouldn't have made 6.If only we a computer of your own. a.have b.would have will have d.hac time we at n90 top road accidents ggest that she ve done a doctor as soon as possible will h ao es c ao d would ac 9.Had we not used an out of-date tim the trair a.would miss b.wouldn't have missed c.had missed d.would have not missed 10.He treats us as if we children He got into the room qu uietly lest he seen be d.were a small thing to go abroad ould hav able m her.but I too busy. e h had h c.was d.wo uld be her.but I didn't have the money a.would help b.should help c.would have helped d.helped 15.She insisted that he_ the offer a.would accept b.accepted c.accepts d.accept 答案和注解: 1.(b).表示与过去事实相反(从句已表明),主句用"woud(not)+现在完成时 2.(a).表示将来不大可能的事时,从句用"were to或should"+动词原型。 3.(c).表 将来 主句用"would 动词原型的形式 4.(c).在动词wish后的宾语从句中 若所表达的愿望与过去事实相反,则要用"过去完成时”。 5.(d).有时假设的情况不以条件从句的形式表示,而是通过 一个介词短语来表示。 6.(d.""if only""在这里表达的意思与wish的意义相近-一 一种与当前事实相反的愿望,故用"过去时。 7.(a)."It is time"后接从句应用虚拟语气, 所用时去时 8.(c).动词suggestF后的从句用虚拟语气 谓语动词用”(should+)动词原形 9.(b)在书面语中,如果虚拟条件从句的谓语中有were,had或should等词,可将i省略,而把were, had或should放在主语之前,表示虚拟语气,这和带有if的虚拟条件状语从句所表示的含义完全相 10.(c)."siP后既可用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气:当可能性不大或与事实相反时,用虚拟语气,否 则,可用陈述语气 11.(a)."lest”后的从句用虚拟语气,其谓语动词用动词原形。He speaks as if he were an Englishman. 他讲起来就象个英国人。 She looks as if She is happy. 她看上去好象很幸福。 练习: Choose the best to complete the sentences: 1. If you had worked more carefully, you _ so many mistakes. a. made b. would not have made c. should not make d. would not make 2. If she _here tomorrow evening he would talk to her. a. should be b. was c. is d. were 3. If it were to rain tomorrow, the match _postponed. a. will be b. should be c. would be d. were 4. I wish I _ hard while I was young. a. would study b. studied c. had studied d. would have studied 5. Without your help, we _ such rapid progress. a. don’t .make b. will not make c. didn’t make d. wouldn’t have made 6. If only we _ a computer of your own. a. have b. would have c. will have d. had 7. It is time we _ something to stop road accidents. a. did b. do c. would do d. have done 8. They suggest that she _ to see a doctor as soon as possible. a. will b. goes c. go d. would go 9.Had we not used an out-of-date time table, we _ the train a. would miss b. wouldn’t have missed c. had missed d. would have not missed 10. He treats us as if we _ children. a. are b. should be c. were d. be 11. He got into the room quietly lest he _ seen. a. be b. was c. would be d. were 12. 12. You talk as though it _ a small thing to go abroad. a. is b. were c. would be d. might be 13. I would have been able to help her, but I _ too busy. a. were b. had been c. was d. would be 14.- "Why didn’t you help her?" -"I _ her, but I didn’t have the money. a. would help b. should help c. would have helped d. helped 15. She insisted that he _ the offer. a. would accept b. accepted c. accepts d. accept 答案和注解: 1. (b). 表示与过去事实相反(从句已表明),主句用"would (not ) +现在完成时"。 2. (a). 表示将来不大可能的事时, 从句用"were to或should"+ 动词原型。 3. (c ). 表示将来不太可能的事时, 主句用"would + 动词原型" 的形式。 4. (c ). 在动词wish后的宾语从句中,若所表达的愿望与过去事实相反, 则要用"过去完成时"。 5. (d). 有时假设的情况不以条件从句的形式表示,而是通过一个介词短语来表示。 6. (d). "if only" 在这里表达的意思与wish的意义相近-一种与当前事实相反的愿望,故用"过去时"。 7. (a). "It is time"后接从句应用虚拟语气, 所以用"过去时"。 8. ( c). 动词suggest后的从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用"(should +)动词原形。 9. (b) 在书面语中,如果虚拟条件从句的谓语中有were, had或should等词, 可将if省略,而把were, had或should放在主语之前,表示虚拟语气,这和带有if的虚拟条件状语从句所表示的含义完全相 同。 10. (c)."as if" 后既可用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气:当可能性不大或与事实相反时,用虚拟语气,否 则,可用陈述语气。 11. ( a). " lest" 后的从句用虚拟语气,其谓语动词用动词原形
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