教学目的: 1}Get familiar with the new words and expressions in Glossary. 2)To use the text as the materials to develop the Ss'speaking ability. 教学内容(讲授提纲) Teacher checks the students to read the new words and corrects the mistakes they make. Language points (words and expressions): Medical terms:vein,artery,nerve endings,emergency-room staff,surgery,sof tissue,a severed leg,to cleanse a wound,etc.Shine,glow,gleam,shimmer -The star shone red on his cap.-Her eyes shone with excitement.-The metal glowed in the furnace.-Parents glowing with pride-The furniture gleamed after being polished.-A gleam of hope-Agleam of interest in this matter came into his eyes Moonlight is shin ing on the lake. The surface of the road shimmered in th heat of the sun.Shake,tremble,shiver-The house shook as the heavy truck went past.-The victim described the enemy's bombardment in a voice shaking with emotion. 激动得发抖的声音-I tremble at the very thought of it.不寒而栗-leaves trembling in the breeze.-she shivered at the thought of going into the dark house alone Missing lost The missing letter was in his pocket-This book has 12 missing pages -A lost child/pen/art/ship-Our advice was not lost on him.Fashion:to shape or make,usu.with hands or with a few tools,The children learn how to fashion clay into cups,vases,or whatever.B.Expressions Catch up with sb.:to finally start to cause trouble for sb.after they managed to avoid this for some time Some day, his old wound will catch up with him.Wear off:(of a feeling,effect,etc.,es he took the medicine,his toothache began to wear off. 本章节的教学重点、难点: 1.Get familiar with the new words and expressions in Glossary. 2.To use the text as the materials to develop the Ss'speaking ability. 教学方法、教学手段: Teaching Aids:Multimedia facility and textbook Teaching Methods:教学目的: 1} Get familiar with the new words and expressions in Glossary. 2} To use the text as the materials to develop the Ss’ speaking ability. 教 学 内 容(讲授提纲) Teacher checks the students to read the new words and corrects the mistakes they make. Language points (words and expressions) : Medical terms: vein, artery, nerve endings, emergency-room staff, surgery, soft tissue, a severed leg, to cleanse a wound, etc. Shine, glow, gleam, shimmer - The star shone red on his cap. - Her eyes shone with excitement. - The metal glowed in the furnace. - Parents glowing with pride - The furniture gleamed after being polished. - A gleam of hope - A gleam of interest in this matter came into his eyes. - Moonlight is shimmering on the lake. - The surface of the road shimmered in the heat of the sun. Shake, tremble, shiver - The house shook as the heavy truck went past. - The victim described the enemy's bombardment in a voice shaking with emotion. 激动得发抖的声音 - I tremble at the very thought of it.不寒而栗 - leaves trembling in the breeze.颤动 - She shivered at the thought of going into the dark house alone. Missing lost The missing letter was in his pocket - This book has 12 missing pages. - A lost child/pen/art/ship - Our advice was not lost on him. Fashion: to shape or make, usu. with hands or with a few tools, - The children learn how to fashion clay into cups, vases, or whatever. B. Expressions Catch up with sb.: to finally start to cause trouble for sb. after they managed to avoid this for some time Some day, his old wound will catch up with him. Wear off: (of a feeling, effect, etc. , esp. an unpleasant one) to become less strong, to be reduced until disappear An hour after he took the medicine, his toothache began to wear off. 本章节的教学重点、难点: 1. Get familiar with the new words and expressions in Glossary. 2. To use the text as the materials to develop the Ss’ speaking ability. 教学方法、教学手段: Teaching Aids: Multimedia facility and textbook Teaching Methods:
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