21 Optimizing packaging T. Lyijynen, E. Hurme and R. Ahvenainen, VTT Biotechnology Finland 21.1 Introduction Package design has great significance for the success of foodstuffs nowadays Packages are clearly an integral part of the manufacturing and distribution processes. As clothes speak for their wearers, so too packages speak for the acked food product Packages are developed not only to make weekdays easier for the consumer, but also to make times of celebration more festive. Many food products would not be in shops and on dining tables, if they had not been packed. Nowadays packages face difficult challenges and roles. They have to create the ambience that hitherto was forged by personal service. Packages eplace the salesman In addition, packaging has many other functions and requirements which it has to fulfil more and more effectively and economically. These functions and requirements are changing all the time and their importance in ensuring the success of the product is growing. The aim is to make the optimal package that satisfies all functional requirements in addition to meeting environmental and cost demands as well as possible. The answer to these complex demands is orecision packaging VTT Precision Packaging Concept has been developed in the Technical Research Centre of Finland and it is a new and unique tool to optimize packaging for foodstuff Elsewhere optimization methods for transport packages have been developed, but not for primary packages, which are in direct contact with foodstuff. The VTT Precision Packaging Concept is based on the predetermined minimum shelf-life needed to allow the packed foodstuff to suit the market and the business strategy of the company. A longer shell-iieo reach the consumer's table from the factory. The shelf-life is naturally chosen21.1 Introduction Package design has great significance for the success of foodstuffs nowadays. Packages are clearly an integral part of the manufacturing and distribution processes. As clothes speak for their wearers, so too packages speak for the packed food product. Packages are developed not only to make weekdays easier for the consumer, but also to make times of celebration more festive. Many food products would not be in shops and on dining tables, if they had not been packed. Nowadays packages face difficult challenges and roles. They have to create the ambience that hitherto was forged by personal service. Packages replace the salesman. In addition, packaging has many other functions and requirements which it has to fulfil more and more effectively and economically. These functions and requirements are changing all the time and their importance in ensuring the success of the product is growing. The aim is to make the optimal package that satisfies all functional requirements in addition to meeting environmental and cost demands as well as possible. The answer to these complex demands is precision packaging. VTT Precision Packaging Concept has been developed in the Technical Research Centre of Finland and it is a new and unique tool to optimize packaging for foodstuff. Elsewhere optimization methods for transport packages have been developed, but not for primary packages, which are in direct contact with foodstuff. The VTT Precision Packaging Concept is based on the predetermined minimum shelf-life needed to allow the packed foodstuff to reach the consumer’s table from the factory. The shelf-life is naturally chosen to suit the market and the business strategy of the company. A longer shelf-life is 21 Optimizing packaging T. Lyijynen, E. Hurme and R. Ahvenainen, VTT Biotechnology, Finland
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