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Interest rate is the price of the money. .Interest rates are the most pervasive element in the financial market. Interest works both ways. .You earn interest when you save and you pay interest when you borrow
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5. 1 The Government Bond Market 5.1.1 when the government runs a deficit, it has to get the funds. There are three ways for the government to get funds
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7.1.1 reasons of the production of central bank to unite the currency clearing the lender of last resort financial supervision
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8.1 Definition of Monetary Policy Government policy concerning money and credit conditions, especially the rate of growth in the money supply and the level of interest rates
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Monetary Theory is the theory which is about the economic influences of money
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一、市场类型的比较 二、垄断行业的含义 三、垄断力量的来源
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一、生产函数的概念 1.定义 描述生产技术状况给定条件下,生产要素的投入量与最大产出量之间的物质数 量关系的函数式
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一、对生产要素的需求和派生需求 (一)生产要素的类型 1.土地——地租 2.劳动——工资 3.资本——利息 4.企业家职能——企业利润
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一、成本的含义 1.定义 生产某种产品一定产量所耗费的各种生产要素的总价值
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前面的学习我们知道,价格等因素的 变动会引起需求量的变化,这里我们将进 步研究像“价格变动1%,会引起需求量 变动百分之几?”诸如此类的问題
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