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The Open Economy in the SR The Mundell-Fleming Model Model under floating ex-rate Model under fixed ex-rate Interest-rate- differentials Debate over floating v.s. fixed ex-rate Mundell-Fleming model with changing price level Model in large open economy
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:185.5KB 文档页数:35
The Open Economy Why do countries trade with each other? \No nation was ever ruined by trade.\ -- Benjamin Franklin More varieties; higher quality; cheaper price
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:222.34KB 文档页数:7
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1.1 随机过程是什么 1.2 为什么学习 1.3 学什么 1.4 如何应用
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:123KB 文档页数:18
Government Debt Scale of govern. debt Is budget deficit correctly measured? Traditional view of govern. Debt Ricardian equivalence Other possible effects of govern. debt
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The Macroeconomic Policy Debate William McChesney Martin The fed.'s job is to take away the punch bowl just as the party gets going 联储的工作是在宴会进行时拿走盛满酒的酒杯。 The economy is inherently unstable
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