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一、选择题(每小题1分,共计20分) BDBAC ACBBA DABCB AD BCD
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第一部分 电阻电路的分析 第二部分 动态电路的分析 第三部分 正弦稳态分析
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一、工作中心(working center,简称WC) 1 一生产资源,包括机器、人和设备(模具); 2 一是生产加工单元或能力的总称; 3 一由一台或几台功能相同的设备,一个班组,一条自动生产线,一个装配场等组成;有时甚至是生产某种单一产品的封闭车间; 4 一是计划范畴,而不是固定资产或设备管理范畴
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Preamble This note has been written for a b asic course in robust and optimal control at 9th term of the ystem Construction Line, Institute of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University. Originall the note was intended for a course consisting of six modules of four hours each. Currently
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Chapter 3 Nominal and Robust Performance This chapter presents approaches to formulate performance specifications for a control sy stem
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In this chapter, st ability and performance for multivariable systems with uncertainty will be considered. Consider a general multivariable system as depicted in Figure 5.1. All signals will in general be vectors, and G() and K(s) will be transfer matrices. d(s) is an output distur- bance signal and n() represents
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There are two main limit ations in the use of Hoo theory for compensator design. First, only full complex perturb ations() Cnm can be treated in a non-conservative way in an Ho robust st ability test. Second, robust performance can only be handled in a conservative way even for full complex perturbations since st ability and performance can not be separated in the Hoo structure
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1、支路电流法 2、网孔电流法
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1、结点电压法 2、结点电压法
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1、戴维宁定理 2、诺顿定理 3、最大功率传输定理
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