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GPS Basic Positioning Principle Two reference systems: Time and Coordinate Syst
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3. Reference Systems Book: p 25-38 Dr Guoqing Zhou 1.1 Overview 1.2 A Group of Basic Ce GPS Basic Positioning Principle
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Today's Lecture Examine specifics of GPS signals Multiple modulations on same carrier signal Structure of signals GPS receiver operation and satellite acquisition
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Perigee and Apogee: The point of closest approach of the satellite with respect to the earth's center of mass is called perigee and the most distant position is the apogee. Nodes: The intersection between the equatorial and the nit sphere is termed the nodes, where the ascending node defines the northward
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1. 1 Error Categories 1. Errors related to GPs Satellites 2. Errors related to GPS signal propagation
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1.1 Terminology Definitions 3. Point Positioning ys. Relative positioning The coordinates of a single point are determined when 1. Code Range vs, Carrier Phase Code measurements(meter level) Carrier phase measurements(millimeter range). Single point positioning
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1.1 Data Handling 1. 2 Cycle Slip Detection and Repair
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英国历史家爱德华·吉本著《罗马帝国衰亡史》全书出 版至今已逾二百年。我国出版界传出它的一卷节编本中译本 问世的信息,依然令人鼓舞。 爱德华·吉本出身于一个拥有大地产的资产阶级家族。 据他追记,其家族在14世纪时开始拥有土地。到16世纪后 期,其远祖已获得缙绅的称号。当时风气,农村殷实之家,大 都把子弟送往城市习商。这个家族已有几代人到伦敦从事商 业活动,并出现过一位周游西欧并远游美洲的旅行家
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一、邓小平理论的形成发展 二、邓小平理论的基本内容 三、邓小平理论的历史地位 四、邓小平理论的指导意义
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一、行政效率的含义 所谓行政效率,亦是指所获得的行政效果与所 消耗的人力、财力、物力和时间之间的比率。即 在单位时间和空间内开展行政活动,所获得改造 客观世界和主观世界的效果,与所付出的物质和 精神代价的比率
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