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84.1 Introduction 84.2 The Analog and Digital Signal Interface 84.3 Analog Signal Conditioning 84.4 Sample-and-Hold and A/D Techniques in Data Acquisition
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9.1 数/模转换器(DAC) 9.2 模/数转换器(ADC) 9.3 A/D转换器应用举例
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8.1 集成555定时器及应用 8.2 门电路构成的矩形波发生器及整形电路
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7.1 可编程逻辑器件概述 7.2 可编程逻辑器件基础 7.3 通用阵列逻辑GAL
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4.1 基本触发器 4.2 TTL集成触发器 4.3 MOS触发器 4.4 触发器的逻辑功能分类及相互间的转换
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83.1 Light-Emitting Diodes Semiconductor Device Principles • Semiconductor Materials • Device Efficiency • Interfacing 83.2 Liquid-Crystal Displays Principle of Operation • Interfacing 83.3 The Cathode Ray Tube
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containing the components of a computer central processor, complete with instruction processing unit, arithmetic, interrupt , and basic communication facilities. Such devices have been around since the early 1970s and have greatly benefitted from the continuing
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9.1 多谐振荡器 9.2 单稳态触发器 9.4 555定时器的原理和应用 9.3 施密特触发器
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100.1 Models Classes of Systems to Be Modeled • Two Major Approaches to Modeling • Forms of the Model • Nonuniqueness • Approximation of Continuous Systems by Discrete Models 100.2 Dynamic Response
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