General GMM formula Let y, be an h-vector of variables that are observed at date t, let denote an unknown vector of coefficients, h(e, y,) Be an r-vector real function. Let denote true value of 0, and suppose this true value is
Our task How to estimate and test discount factor model. Ep,=E(m (data 1, parameter)) 1. Bring an asset pricing model to data to estimate free parameters. For example, parameter,yinm=B(c+1/c)-y Or the b in m=b f 2. Evaluate the model, is it a good model or not? Is another model better?
Introduction In this class, we again look at the stock return data, but with a very different view point; Previously, we examined the data through the \eyes\of CAPM. We had a noble intension, although it didn't work very well; Now we are going to get our hands \dirty\, and plunge
Introduction The consumption-based model as a complete answer to most asset pricing question in principle, does not work well in practice; This observation motivates effects to tie the discount factor m to other data; Linear factor pricing models are most popular models of this sort in finance; They dominate discrete-time empirical work
Introduction Overview of investment styles; Empirical evidence on returns of small capitalization firms and value stocks; How to identify investment styles of a mutual fund Characteristic-based style analysis Return-based style analysis Style benchmarks
INVESTMENTS Fourth Edition Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMHD Do security prices reflect information Why look at market efficiency Implications for business and corporate finance Implications for investment
Fourth Edition Advantages of the Single Index Model Reduces the number of inputs for diversification. Portfolio of 50 assets 50 expected returns;50 variances 1225 covariance. too difficult a task
INVESTMENTS Two-Security Portfolio: Return rp =W+W2r2 W Proportion of funds in Security 1 W2 Proportion of funds in Security 2 =Expected return on Security 1